Drought tolerant, cold hardy Australian native plant nursery
Welcome to the Australian Outback Plantation plant nursery and garden center.
One of the USA's largest suppliers of drought tolerant, water-wise, Australian native plants and trees.
Our plant nursery supplies, drought tolerant, frost hardy Australian native plants right across America,
wholesale for retail outlets such as Lowes and smaller retail businesses, contract growing for residential and commercial,
as well as trade and landscaping professionals.
Australian native plants and trees, like the kangaroo paw and eucalyptus are
uniquely adapted to plant in the desert and drought climates, and perfectly suited for heat resistant, cold hardy landscaping.
Take a gander at our plant list and growing tips.
Open House Plant Sale - Saturday, March 8th, 2025. Walk-about in our Hummingbird Sanctuary Eremophila emu bush garden. Eremophilas are blooming and the hummingbirds are arriving in their winter migratory home. Take a seat… take pictures as they buzz by your head.